Knights of Columbus - Frank C. Myers Council 5271

Our mission is to develop & reinforce our core values in our fellow brothers. Our core values ​include charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. These values help to deepen our faith so we ​may better serve their families, churches, and communities. Our organization is one of the ​longest standing and most established ministries supporting our parishes.

Our events include our annual St. Patrick’s Scholarship Dinner, our Tootsie Roll Drive, Lenten Fish Frys, The ​Wings program which supports battered women, and we support various church functions such as running ​bingo during church festivals.

Our hall is located at 2024 E. Rt. 66 in Glendora. We invite you to join us during the first three Thursdays ​each month. We meet at 7pm on these nights. Our hall is also available for your special occasions. Call ​Gordon Link @ 626.963.5161 to ask about availability.